Sunday, July 20, 2008

GPS & Google Earth Data

During the event my GPS unit collected track data over the entire course.

You can download the actual data in Garmin Mapsource Format or as a Google Earth KMZ file.


Official Time - 74:19

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Thank You's

A big thank you to the entire staff of Rivermiles, what a huge event to undertake!


  • To team Aqua Holics for the ipod charger they had in the bucket of their canoe.
  • To Peer Pressure and Aqua Holics for a great overnight paddle to the finish. If I had to paddle solo anothe 15 hours, I'd be a raving lunatic.
  • To our crew for tent and camp setup the first 2 nights, making the 2 hours of sleep each time more or less bug free.
  • To the crew member that provided the towel at naptime :)
  • To the crew of Michigan for the words of encouragement
  • And to all the volunteers that manned the checkpoints 24 hours a day!

Thank you all!

Friday, July 18, 2008


I finished the race at 10:20 local time, a mere 74 hours after it started. What an event!

I would have to say this was one of the hardest events I've ever done.

.... Need food and sleep.... more later

Mile marker 60

It took several tries to read this sign...

A fish jumped over my bow....

Someone left a campfire...

We found a floater?....

Paddling to the finish with Aqua-Holics and Peer Pressure. We've got 31 to go, paddling at an easy pace and enjoying the night. The sun is starting to come up and looks beautiful? over the power plant.


3:30 and we have 9.6 miles of the remaining 54 done. Passing Washington in the next 30.

Day 3

Day 3 was very hot and slow. I got started early, but took some breaks throughout the afternoon.

I made it to Hermann by 7, then pushed on another 16 miles.

After a couple hours sleep, I'm up and paddling again at 2 am with a couple other boats.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Day 3

Things started early, around 4:30 with the other guys taking off. I tried to relax for a while longer but then went ahead and took off around 5:45.

I've been hanging out at Jefferson City for about 30, just relaxing. I'm really tired today.

115 to go

Day 2 Conclusion

I arrived at Coopers Landing, CP5, for camp right at 10 pm as planned.

Unfortunately, logistics were not in my favor. The other guys had gone on to another boat ramp for camp, about 12 miles farther downriver.

Apparently there aren't many bridges over the Missouri, because it was an hour and 40 minute drive around to bring my gear to Coopers.

While I was for sure not wanting to paddle another 12 miles, there really wasn't any other choice. Probably the worst situation, however, is that I was basically out of food and all that was available was some not so good fried rice. Don't ever eat fried rice after paddling all day and then get back in a boat and paddle more.... not good.

Anyway, its 2 am and I'm at camp and settled finally.

Only 129 to go between tomorrow and Friday!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Mile Marker 199, Midpoint of Race

The midpoint of the race came and went without much fanfare. A simple mile marker sign indicating I've completed 170 miles and have 170 to go.

Who's idea was this?

Anyway, only about 25 more today, not terrible, except I'm tired and my elbow is killing me....

I'm going to float for a while, no reason to rush these last 25.

CP4 Glasgow

Arrived again, just as the other guys were leaving. I made up some time on them since I left so far behind them, so that feels good.

The next leg is 56 miles, and we will camp there for the night. Seems so far away, but I'm not going to rush, just get there when I get there.

24 Hours

The race is 24 hours old and I've been paddling for 17 of those hours. Just over 120 down with 220 to go. Seems like forever.

Paddling solo for most of the time, it gets a lot boring. Its very pretty out now, but its going to be 90+ again later.

Day 2

I seriously thought about quitting today, why should I get back in that stupid boat anyway?

I have blisters on my fingers and my whole body is sore... Are we having fun yet?

Anyway, its 5:45 and I'm on the water, just floating at the moment. The sun is just coming up and there is a light mist just above the surface. A guy paddled by in a solo canoe and said good morning... day 2....

Yep, I guess it is day 2.

Darkness Came

Around 9 it really started getting dark. Fortunately there was a near full moon, so really no lights were needed other than the nav lights on the boat.

I checked into CP3 at Miami just after midnight, had a piece of pizza, some recoverite and crashed for the night.

A long day of paddling, just over 105 miles in about 16 hours total. Average moving pace was 7.0 mph so not too bad overall.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

CP2 Waverly

Arrive just as the other guys were shoving off. 7:00 pm local, 75 miles down with 32 to go tonight.

I'm feeling much better right now, very sore though.

Mile 60

60 miles in 9 hours... No sign of the other guys, oh to be younger again!

I think I'm about an hour behind them, or will be by CP2. I expect to be at CP3 by midnight or 1 am to meet the ground crew.


What an experience. Lexington came and went, and I feel like crap....

Anyway, recovered for about 20, a really bad transition, but I needed the time. 52 miles so far with 55 to go to camp tonight.

Lots of people at the checkpoint, great volunteers, thank you to all of them who are out there today!

22 miles to CP1

Lovin life....

Mile 20

2.5 hours in, river is moving at about 4.1 mph. Lexington CP in just about 6 hours is looking good.

Jeremy and Justin are still out front, proving their manhood... You go boys.

Start Day!

Its been quite an adventure already and we're not quite to the starting put in.

We've been to Wal-Mart, the gas station, the grocery store, the hotel....

Regardless, we'll be in the boats in just over an hour ready to go.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Safety first everyone!

A shot from the 30 minute safety meeting that went 75 minutes....

340 miles that way!

In Kansas City for check in

Welcome to Missouri!

Welcome to MO James!

Still drivng...

About 60 miles to KC, long day of driving. Why did I sign up for this again?

Driving Across Missouri

We're now in Kingdon City, heading to Jefferson City behind a cow trailer and a homeless guy.

We'll be picking up Andy and heading to Kansas City.

Only about 150 more miles of driving today.

Departing Carmel

6:35, leaving for St. Charles to meet the group. The forecast for the week is 90+ and sunny, its going to be hot!

I'm either packed perfectly or not, either way the gear feels heavier than I thought it would. Other than some extra food, there isn't anything in there that hasn't need with me on other overnight paddle trips. It should be good.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Packing Day

Tomorrow is the drive to St. Charles to meet the rest of the group as we head towards Kansas City.

Seems like I'm ready to go... and the trailer made it back from Michigan in one piece. Thanks R :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Google Earth

Here's a Google Earth KML file that includes all my pre-race waypoints and route markers. You can download the file by clicking here.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Needed some last minute gear...

The good people at Nurpu River & Mountain Supply fixed me right up!

Thanks Kevin!

Info from the Forums that may prove useful

Just a few comments that include some potentially useful info during the paddle.